Rajju Porutham in tamil is considered one of the very important porutham for successful married life. Here you can get Rajju porutham in tamil with a detailed description.
The Hindu custom believed marriage life depends on the ten poruthams matched for the couple who are to be joined in marriage life. Jathagam porutham in tamil is calculated by matching the rasi natchathiram or numerology calculator in Tamil which is drawn based on the birth stars and birth rashi of the boy and the girl. There are 10 poruthams, each and every porutham is very important for the marriage alliance.
Rajju porutham is considered the sixth porutham of the ten poruthams necessary to solemnize a Hindu marriage. It is considered to be the most important of the ten poruthams. It has the main consideration of the husband’s long life. The birth stars of both the couples are formed into groups. Each group represents part of the body.
Nakshatras are divided into five Rajjus. They are called shiro rajju, Kanta rajju, Nabhi rajju,Kati rajju and Pada rajju. Male & female should not be the same rajju.
Rajju classification :
Shiro Rajju – Chitra, Mirgasira, Dhanishta
Kanta Rajju – Ardra, Rohini, Swati, Hasta, Sravana, Satabisha
Nabhi Rajju – Krithika, Uttara, Punarvasu, Visaka, Purvabadra, Uttrashada
Kati Rajju – Pushya, Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Uttarabadam and Purvashadam
Pada Rajju – Aswini, Aslesha, Magha, Moola, Jyeshta and Revati
Rajju Porutham :
Female | Male | |
Shiro Rajju | Kanta Rajju Kati Rajju Nabhi Rajju Pada Rajju | Matching |
Kanta Rajju | Shiro Rajju Kati Rajju Nabhi Rajju Pada Rajju | Matching |
Nabhi Rajju | Shiro Rajju Kanta Rajju Nabhi Rajju Pada Rajju | Matching |
Kati Rajju | Shiro Rajju Kati Rajju Kanta Rajju Pada Rajju | Matching |
Pada Rajju | Shiro Rajju Kanta Rajju Kati Rajju Nabhi Rajju | Matching |
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