Nadi porutham in tamil

Nadi porutham in tamil is considered one of the very important porutham for successful married life. Here you can get Nadi porutham in tamil with a detailed description.

The Hindu custom believed marriage life depends on the ten poruthams matched for the couple who are to be joined in marriage life. Jathagam  porutham in tamil is calculated by matching the rasi natchathiram or numerology calculator in Tamil which is drawn based on the birth stars and birth rashi of the boy and the girl. In a marriage alliance, 10 poruthams are mainly considered, each and every porutham is very important for the marriage alliance, another 2 important poruthams are Nadi porutham and Virutcha porutham.

Nadi Porutham :

Health is the source of life. A married couple can move their life smoothly only if their health is good. Progeny can be multiplied. Can raise children. Doctors will tell you about health after taking a pulse. In our astrology we can tell whether the two have a healthy compatibility by looking at the nadi. There are three principles working in our body namely Vadham, pitham and Kapam. We can know our nadi by our birth star. Each Nakshatra falls into one of these three philosophies. Through it, you can find marriage compatibility.

வாத நாடி (அ) பார்சுவநாடி
அசுவினி, திருவாதிரை, மூலம், உத்தரம், ஹஸ்தம், கேட்டை, புனர்பூசம்
, சதயம், பூரட்டாதி

பித்த நாடி (அ) மத்திய நாடி
பரணி, பூராடம், பூசம், பூரம்,அனுஷம், மிருகசீரிஷம், அவிட்டம், உத்ரட்டாதி சித்திரை

சிலேத்தும நாடி (அ) சமான நாடி
கார்த்திகை, விசாகம் , ஆயில்யம், மகம், சுவாதி, ரோகிணி, உத்ராடம், திருவோணம், ரேவதி

நாடி பொருத்தத்தில் மணப்பெண் மணமகன் நட்சத்திரங்கள் வெவ்வேறு நாடியில் இருப்பது நன்று. முக்கியமாக பித்த நாடியில் இருப்பது நல்லதல்ல.

Due to family life conducted by husband and wife, this match is required to live healthy without disease in the body. This match is a very important match seen by our forefathers in the past and it is a must see even if it is not in the ten poruthams.

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