Name Numerology Calculator

Name Numerology Calculator by date of birth – Peyar porutham, numerology is calculated based on the numerical calculations. Each letter in English alphabets linked with a number. The cumulative calculation is used to determine the numerology details.  

Name Numerology Calculator is calculated by the name and date of birth of an individual. Numerology is the study of mystical relationship between our life and numbers. This is very Important for Jathagam porutham. It is based on numerical calculation based on letters, each having correspond number in Numerology. These numbers are used to determine an individual personality, life and predict your future.

In numerology calculation, each alphabet represents a number. The number representing the alphabets in names are added and cumulative number is acquired. Each number has its own qualities and attributes. The same numerology number determines an individual personal attributes and characters. The person with different numerology numbers will have different personalities. These calculators & Love calculator can be used to know your friends, relatives and family members to check their compatibility.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is based in numerology predictions that determine an individual personality and characters. It indicates the purpose of your life, opportunities, wellbeing and obstacles you will face. Each person is linked with numbers in numerology that are calculated in different ways. Here numerology indicators include

Life Path Number: It is most important number in the chart calculated based on date of birth. It shows your strengths, weaknesses, challenges, lessons, and events you are likely to face in your lifetime.

Destiny number: It is calculated based on your first and surname. It gives detailed information about purpose of life. It describes your character, unveils your goals and gives you an idea on how to achieve them.

Personality Number: It is calculated based on your first name. It describes your personality and helps you to overcome fallacious perceptions.

Soul Number: It is calculated using the corresponding vowels in your name. It gives detailed information about inner strengths, likes, dislikes, and resources. In simple terms, it shows who you are and your inner belief to succeed in your life.

Types of Numerology Calculation:

As mentioned above, numerology calculation is based on relationship between letters and numbers. Every system is different in its methods of calculations and gives different interpretations. There are several type of numerology calculation – some of the popular ones are

  • The Pythagorean (Western) system
  • The Chaldean system
  • The Kabbalah system

Numerology Calculation Table:

These tables with alphabets and corresponding numeric value are used to calculate the numerology.


Life Path Number Calculation:

Life path number is calculated based on the date of birth. For example your birthdate October 19, 1982.

Month: October 10, Add 1+0= 1

Day: 19 Add19, 1+9=10

Year: 1982, Add 1+9+8+2=20

Add all cumulative number: (month + day + year)


Therefore, the Life Path number is 4.

Destiny Number Calculation:

Destiny number is calculated based on your first name and surname. You can also include the middle name.

For example: Isaac Sandeep

Based on the above table, add numeric value lined with the number.

ISAAC (9+1+1+1+3) = 15 = 1+5 = 6

SANDEEP (1+1+5+4+5+5+7) = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1

For Isaac Sandeep, it will be – 6 + 1 = 7

Therefore, the destiny number is 7.

Personality Number Calculation:

To calculate the personality number, consider your full name and see only the consonants.

For instance – Frank Doe

Here – F, R, N, K, D are consonants.

F = 6

R = 9

N = 5

K = 2

D = 4

6+9+5+2+4 = 26

Reducing to single digit, 2+6 = 8

Therefore, the personality number is 8.

Soul Urge Number Calculation:

To calculate the personality number, consider only vowels to calculate your soul number.

For example:  Anthony Kalu

Here – A, O, A, U are vowels

A =1

O = 6

A = 1

U = 3

1+6+1+3 = 11

Therefore, the soul urge number is 11.

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