In our Hindu Astrology, it is important to check nalla neram, Rahu Kalam and Rahu timings or Yamagandam in South India, before planning anything prosperous. Our jathagam porutham in Tamil provides a detailed description of Rahu kalam timings.
Rahu Kalam is a certain amount of time every day which lasts approximately one and a half hours. Rahu Kalam is one of the eight segments of the day between sunrise and sunset. Eight segments of the day are determined by taking the total time between sunrise and sunset at a given position and then dividing this time by eight.

Rahu Kalam are not the same for any two locations due to differences in local timings of sunrise and sunset. Even for one location Ragu Kalam and duration are not the same for all days as sunrise and sunset timings keep changing throughout the year. In other words, Rahu Kalam varies from position to position and from day to day. Hence Rahu Kalam should be looked at each day.
People should follow daily Shubha Muhurtham, Rahu Kalam, Nalla Neram, and Yamagandam before planning auspicious which include buying a new vehicle, Graha pravesham, Pooja anushtham, marriage muhurtham, and many other things. Although every moment, it is not possible to consult an astrologer, the easiest way is to check daily Shubha Muhurtham using daily Panchangam.
Week | Ragu kalam timings |
Sunday | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM |
Monday | 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM |
Tuesday | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM |
Wednesday | 12:00 N – 1:30 PM |
Thursday | 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM |
Friday | 10:30 AM -12:00 N |
Saturday | 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM |